Release 2023.09.01

Saturn Cloud release notes for 2023.09.01


Recipe schema refactored so we have better support for different recipe types, as well as representing (optionally) the state of resources within the recipe. Now recipes have the following top level fields:

  • schema_version
  • type
  • spec
  • state


Saturn Cloud jobs now supports running on multiple instances, complete with passing worker rank to the instance via environment variables and having clear logs that indicate which job is being executed

LLM Studio

Saturn cloud is now a complete end to end solution for fine tuning and serving LLMs. Templates have been deployed for

  • fine tuning LLMs
  • LLM model serving endpoints


Images have been built to support CUDA 11.8 and 12.1. We are no longer building images for previous versions of CUDA. This should not impact users because CUDA 11.x code installs and runs fine with CUDA 11.8